Thursday, June 21, 2012

Even More Garyosaurus

You can view my Garyosaurus model yourself by clicking on the link above!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dinosaurs, Weird Animals, and More!

The DVD has arrived! It contains the shows "Dinosaurs Dinosaurs Dinosaurs," "Prehistoric World," and "The Wonderous World of Weird Animals"! You can also see me in the bonus feature "Dinosaurs Then & Now," where we toured the various places filmed for the Dinosaur shows all over L.A.

Also included on the DVD are the bonus features of "The Dinosnore," which has clips from Return of Dinosaurs (something more than a few of your had asked me about), as well clips from the Gary and Eric special on Ray Harryhausen, along with some good ol' Dino Bloopers.

You can order both DVD's here, for all your Gary and Eric Dinosaur needs.

Also remember that are still a few soundtrack CD's from the show you can order from the same site, so be sure to pick those up while they still last!